My name is Matt Kelly, and Hunting waterfowl has been a passion of mine for the last 7 years. I live in Southeast Kansas, and this is where the majority of my hunting takes place. We enjoy several different types of waterfowl hunting here, from public marshes to grain fields, and over water of various sizes. My favorite type of waterfowl hunting is ducks over a dry corn field, and a close second is geese over water. From the time I started hunting and calling, Foiles products have been my go to choice. FMI products and calls are tested and proven to be the best there is.
Spec Offender Goose Call $159.00 – $160.00
Big Guy's Best Smoke N' Double Duck Call $130.00
Foiles Migrators Hat $20.00
Foiles Strait Meat Golf Club Handle Flag $60.00
Redemption Goose Call $160.00
"Strait Meat" Cackler Goose Call $140.00 -
Death Whistle Duck Call $60.00
Foiles Migrators Waterfowl Company Tshirt $25.00 – $30.00 -
Raizin Cayne "Shorty" Duck Call $130.00
Hoodie $50.00